Sunday, August 21, 2011

  From the Director of CRM

I’m delighted to introduce you to Child Out Reach Mission Diocese of Tabora Anglican Church, I trust that this leaf let will provide the information you need to consider thoughtfully and prayerfully if God would have some time give an opportunity to work with Child Out Reach Mission or be a part of it through many supportively ways. We are thriving committed children’ workers seeking to understand the real meaning of scriptures and apply it to all areas of children’ life, that is why we have three emphasises;-
Children are;
·         Lost
·         Sinners
·         Needs saviour
With these emphases at the core, we want to share with all that feels committed to work and help to raise children’ life in appropriate manners, we offer facilitation to men and women and grown up youth for gospel service. Our facilitated women and men or grown up young people, we would like to learn from them serve all over the community that surrounded them as the counsellor, guardians or helpers and in many other capacities. As the part of community we are grateful for the privilege of being used by God in the facilitating these women, men and grown up young people who will be extending the knowledge of the glory of God in Christ until that knowledge is covers the Tabora Dioces as the waters covers the sea. I invite you to join the more than hundreds who are currently working with boys and girls around Tabora Diocese. We would love to help prepare you for a life of Children’ Mission.
Sincerely in grace
Rubuye s. Emmanuel
CRM Director


Child Out Reach mission, exists to extend and preach the knowledge of serving boys and girls which is in Christ until that knowledge covers the entirely Tabora Diocese, as the water covers the sea (Habakkuk 2v14)
Our specific Mission is to support Sunday school teachers, helpers in congregation level and Good news Clubs and junior youth clubs helpers too, in its mandate to equip the saints for the Mission.
We are pursuing this mission in two ways;
First, we are seeking to train and facilitate men, women and young people to serve Christ in Kingdom Ministry of boys and girls, other than those require ordination or get employed.
Second, we are seeking to serve as a Centre for Children’ mission. (In long run idea)
Mission statement
To win the children and young people of the world to Christ and help nurture them into spiritual maturity through Bible teaching for Sunday school teachers and helpers into the local churches and this is accomplished through direct ministry and by multiplying our efforts through key partnership and the body of Christ around Tabora Diocese
Vision statement
To evangelize the children who are lost and edify those who are saved.
Children without Christ are spiritually dead (Ephess 2v1) and children who have received Christ have the spiritual life (John 3v16) they need spiritual food to get grow
Core values
In the pursue of our mission, we hold to the following;
·         Scripture as the very word of God written, is absolutely authoritative and without error