Sunday, November 13, 2011


 All teacher together with boys and Girls, at last day of the seminar
was a great joy and such wonderful experience to have such seminar in remote areas

God bless your children, let your light shine onto them


From the director of CRM Emmanuel Rubuye
want to thank you so much for prayers made for our seminar,
our seminar has finished and we learnt children loved the seminar so much
though was the first time to conduct seminar in such area but we find ourselves interacted with boys and girls in amazing way, first day 26 of them came along second day 33 of them and the third day 34
the area is very quiet no interuption of car's noises or a lot of people's movement
at the end of the seminar about 25 children gave their life to christ and Mada Esther were ready to led them repentance prayer
keep pray for those gave their life to Christ Jesus
here is some few photos from our seminar
 First day, Emmanuel infront addressing children
A talk about God as the creator, King, Holy, clean and pure (First day)
Children need to understand who is God
and its characteristics
He is Holy, He need as well His people to be holy

A second day,  Madam Elizabeth, in front addressing the chiildren with the most powerful word of God
Talk about black page (from wordless book)  and the consquence of sin

Day three, Aunt Esther, in front teaching
A talk about red page (from wordless book)
Work of Jesus on the cross only through
The death of Jesus Christ, we can be reconciled
with God and be cleans and made pure and holy
children need to commit their life to Christ Jesus as their personal saviour

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Christ to the children: COME AND JOIN US TO OUR WONDERFUL TOUR: All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surren...


Christ to the children: COME AND JOIN US TO OUR WONDERFUL TOUR: All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surren...


Christ to the children: COME AND JOIN US TO OUR WONDERFUL TOUR: All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surren...


Christ to the children: COME AND JOIN US TO OUR WONDERFUL TOUR: All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surren...


Christ to the children: COME AND JOIN US TO OUR WONDERFUL TOUR: All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surren...


Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us, pray that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly and be honoured wherever it goes just as when it came to you
2Thess 3v1
This mission is to bring honour to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
God has been so much gracious to our mission, with this message is to express our thanks giving for your prayers made for children’ mission particularly a month ago, yet we are still appreciating and values your prayers over and over since then we understand that you are not stopping pray for us
A surprise
The prayer band rally was very successful and people were very amazed with God’s mission to children and young people. Was good to hear from them saying that, “we have left our children behind, and we must join the mission and help to teach” Never believe how much our heart were so overwhelmed by such message given
Event to come
1.       7th November, four off days quiet time with God
2.       11th – 13th November Seminar for boys and Girls Moravian Congregation - Kwihara
3.       18th – 20th November Seminar – Good News Clubs – Ng’ambo
4.       25th – 27th  November seminar for teens
5.       Three days in prayers (prayer band), 29th – 30th November and 1st December
Pray that all the preparation may go well
Pray for the heart of commitment
Pray for the salvation of boys and girls
Pray for the power of Holy Spirit and regeneration
Pray for the preparation of the seminar for prayer band about boys and girls
Thank God with me
Thank you for praying for my time with children’ mission. October has been very great time with working hard as we shared you in our three months programs. We were able to call prayer band meeting (see photo above right side) Organizing match for young people (see photo above left side) and home craft. On behalf of my family, Children helpers, Host, Bishop, prayer bands and Ministers, we would like to thank you so much for prayers made for us. And has been really hard to find out an appropriately word that would show our heartfelt for your support.
A request for Computer and Digital Camera
Any who are thinking to throw away a mentioned stuff above or if probably knew any whether neighbour or friend please ask for it on our behalf and forward it to our side. We have a great scarcity of such instruments; we hope will help a lot for sure

Our blessing to you
The LORD blesses you and keeps you
The LORD makes His face shines upon you and be gracious to you
The LORD turns His face towards you and gives you peace. (Numbers 6v24-26)

Feel to be a part of child Out Reach Mission in either financial support, gifts, intercessors or missionary
 “Jesus, you are the Light of the World. Let your light shine on the children

May each one be received with joy.

Please if any would like to send some gift, please forward them through the following address;
Child Out Reach Mission, 
Box 1943, Tabora, Tanzania

Sort code 3820, Swift code CORUTZ TZ, Branch Name TABORA, Bank Name. CRDB BANK PLC
Ac Number 01J2036787200, Ac Name. Child evangelist fellowship
Detail can be supplied if required, please


Your prayers is answered
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him all things are possible, earlier I was very nervous and thoughtful for Igombe safari that was to be impossible particularly as I come to learn that there were a big number of teens registered. My mind perplexed with many things despite the lack of enough money for buying food, safe water, hiring a min bus and for other stuff that were so necessarily for the safari. As we recounted our ways to the Lord and interceded, I now confirmed that nothing is impossible to the Lord … apart from me you can do nothing (John 15v5) As I’m writing and try to give a full pictures of what happened I learnt it is difficult to express to you of what our true striking joy and lovingness shared in safari how was looked like. But any way through some photos provided below I’m sure will try to give some ideas of what was all about our true joy in the Lord. We were so excited to visit Igombe water project, the Safari get excited the teens and guardians as well, and all were very jealous with the safari. We counted Igombe safari as the huge opportunity to impart teens with what Jesus commanded us to do to every body in the world. Here is what He said to Simon Peter; “feed my lamb, take care of my sheep and feed my sheep”. I felt I’m like Simon Peter and Jesus is charging me too. For so I have no time to loose and I do committed that I will serve children as long as I live. The most interesting in the Safari comes after we finished three talk programs. All teens surrendered their life to Jesus Christ; I was indeed stricken with awe of joy and finally I learnt a joyful tears coming down. From my personal experience, a trip brings some changes to every area to boys and girls. I do believe, bringing boys and girls to me, mean giving me a task of shaping their behaviours. Whatever I plant will get grow. Woe! to me if I will plant rubbish matters, that is terribly bad, for children’ life and that of to come are in our hands.


All in board ready for the week end out, it were the very successful trip ever done since ever we started our Mission, all the teen surrendered their life to Jesus Christ as  their personal saviour


  1. First talk; Building relationship by Rev. Sabaya

  2. Second talk; Surrender life to Christ Jesus, By Evangelist, Tungalaza
    Third talk; Life beyond the grave,
    by Mama Sabaya

  1. First talk; Building relationship by Rev. Sabaya

  2. Second talk; Surrender life to Christ Jesus, By Evangelist, Tungalaza


After all our three talk they were ready to give their life to Christ. Tungalaza led them to Christ Jesus as their personal saviour AND
Emmanuel led in joyful song; which says about I have the father who ever never fails


From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank every body persevere prayed for us, we learnt that God has answered your prayers. The work done shared above gives a true picture of what you continued pray for, therefore you have a right to thank God with us for His work done. The joy of our teens has been increasing tremendously since we came from Igombe safari. Has been difficult for us to find an appropriately word that would rightly express the gladness we learnt from our teens to you. Some parents who are Roman Catholic tried to hold up their teens but with no success for the teens slipped away and find themselves at JYC. We were given harsh words but all those strong words turned into sweetness to us and we learnt joyfulness increased afterwards. Finally brothers and sisters please stick with prayers for us, that the word of the Lord may speed up (2Thessolanians 3v1)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

  From the Director of CRM

I’m delighted to introduce you to Child Out Reach Mission Diocese of Tabora Anglican Church, I trust that this leaf let will provide the information you need to consider thoughtfully and prayerfully if God would have some time give an opportunity to work with Child Out Reach Mission or be a part of it through many supportively ways. We are thriving committed children’ workers seeking to understand the real meaning of scriptures and apply it to all areas of children’ life, that is why we have three emphasises;-
Children are;
·         Lost
·         Sinners
·         Needs saviour
With these emphases at the core, we want to share with all that feels committed to work and help to raise children’ life in appropriate manners, we offer facilitation to men and women and grown up youth for gospel service. Our facilitated women and men or grown up young people, we would like to learn from them serve all over the community that surrounded them as the counsellor, guardians or helpers and in many other capacities. As the part of community we are grateful for the privilege of being used by God in the facilitating these women, men and grown up young people who will be extending the knowledge of the glory of God in Christ until that knowledge is covers the Tabora Dioces as the waters covers the sea. I invite you to join the more than hundreds who are currently working with boys and girls around Tabora Diocese. We would love to help prepare you for a life of Children’ Mission.
Sincerely in grace
Rubuye s. Emmanuel
CRM Director


Child Out Reach mission, exists to extend and preach the knowledge of serving boys and girls which is in Christ until that knowledge covers the entirely Tabora Diocese, as the water covers the sea (Habakkuk 2v14)
Our specific Mission is to support Sunday school teachers, helpers in congregation level and Good news Clubs and junior youth clubs helpers too, in its mandate to equip the saints for the Mission.
We are pursuing this mission in two ways;
First, we are seeking to train and facilitate men, women and young people to serve Christ in Kingdom Ministry of boys and girls, other than those require ordination or get employed.
Second, we are seeking to serve as a Centre for Children’ mission. (In long run idea)
Mission statement
To win the children and young people of the world to Christ and help nurture them into spiritual maturity through Bible teaching for Sunday school teachers and helpers into the local churches and this is accomplished through direct ministry and by multiplying our efforts through key partnership and the body of Christ around Tabora Diocese
Vision statement
To evangelize the children who are lost and edify those who are saved.
Children without Christ are spiritually dead (Ephess 2v1) and children who have received Christ have the spiritual life (John 3v16) they need spiritual food to get grow
Core values
In the pursue of our mission, we hold to the following;
·         Scripture as the very word of God written, is absolutely authoritative and without error

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Boys and Girls answering question after green page been taught

Children following carefully the life of Jesus Christ film after we taught a red page
Photo taken yesterday 18th June

to God nothing is impossible

I Emmanuel praying for  
Children’s need (photo
taken 2night 19thjune)
Emmanuel (yesterday, 18th June 2011) praying for the healing to a girl who got the hand injury, praise God today came back to the seminar her hand was in good form

Five days clubs for boys and girls on 15th -19th, June 2011

To day 19th, June 2011has been our final day for the seminars for boys and girls, the day was so enveloped with great joy in the Lord, the holy spirit overpowered among us and changed boys and girls. This happened after all children asked that are they ready to give their life to Jesus Christ as their personal saviour? All together answered yes, we are. As we call them for the prayer Moslem children were the first to come along, I was very amazed and overjoyed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Home Craft and colouring program

Children likes learn how to cook
different things, left hand children
enjoying cake  

Junior youth club, Bible class
Teaching Bible to youth are most area we are trying the best we can to entrust our teen with Bible knowledge and understand God’s will to His people.

Program of teaching the Bible in Good News Club and junior youth Clubs

A child likes a carry along Bible, their pictures looks beautiful, and touches their mind and makes the bible come live to their lives.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do you Know what happen when you give sweets to children?

Children needs your love, needs your generosity, showing a true love brings a new atmosphere to children who hasn't yet experienced true love. Can you imagine just a single package of sweet provided is able to make them bring other friends to the next good news club? Can you imagine one pound you may give can buy 2 package of sweets and these 2 packages is able to serve 100 Kids, and we learnt that Gift provisional helps to bring  many kids to good news club and and through this we reach them with the Bible teaching. if you wish to be the part of Christ to the children please write to us

Communicating a Bible to Moslem Kids

Out side the congregation there are so many kids hanging out, many of them are born and raised in Moslem backgroung, they know nothing about Jesus, how will we communicate them with biblical verse? My heart burnt out and my decision was just to take a step a heap and go through a street and to talk to every child I meet. Kids are very hungry of knowing the truth. At the moment I'm serving 24 Moslem kids, among them one has started coming to church. praise God. As you go through this message please just take two Minutes and pray for me and my family as well not forgeting these moslem kids
pray that may God open their heart and receive Jesus as their personal saviour.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Children' Clubs

accepting Jesus Christ as their personal saviour
Children are youth, of tommorow , are the adult of the day after tomorrow and are the elders of the day after tomorrow, with this philosophy, the grown up people must put all the effort to children so may they be a good parent and good elder, as the time comes to be the elder. Accepting Jesus in early age of the children' life, gives the good opportunity of old age, if the child would continous in his salvation appropriately